Journey The Gathering — Ministries


Featured Teaching: Release, Repent, Renew


Current Teachings

Tides ii : Here I Am, LORD

Broken promises, unkept commitments, disloyal relationships, faded friendships, unfaithful deeds, betrayed bonds, untrustworthy responses, distant hearts...

As the tides change, so does the very nature of our thoughts, decisions and life-spoken vows.  People and circumstances change like the tides that rise and fall.  Our words fail, and our best-kept promises shatter hearts.  

Throughout the Bible, God made uncountable covenants with generations of the faint-hearted and the faithful.  God can ultimately work His divine will through anyone, but when He calls, who dares to listen, and to believe, and to react to obey by walking in faith?  Who stands up and says, “Here I am, LORD,” like Abraham? And Jacob? And Samuel? And Isaiah? 

And as we all shout from the sidelines, “Here I am, Lord,” God’s perfect, everlasting, constant, tried and true being marks the covenant with, “I AM WHO I AM.”

The evidence is that God is faithful to His Word. As our promises wash away, God proclaims, “Mark My words!”

Our Covenant Keeping God has spoken all of creation into its deepest existence and at the beating heart of all of us, is a Creator who knows the very number of hairs on our head (Matthew 10:30, Luke 12:7).  God is not surprised by our outcomes, but awaits our revival. His patience surpasses the test of time and His word holds eternal. 

God, himself, succeeded over death’s eternal reign as He became flesh, died in our place and resurrected from the grave through His one and only Son— Jesus Christ.  Through our faults, denials, weaknesses, regrets and insecurities, comes a God who takes our hand and says, “Come to Me as you are, because I AM WHO I AM.”


Read Along References // 

Genesis 22:1, Genesis 31:11, 1 Samuel 3:4, Isaiah 6:8, Exodus 3:14, Matthew 10:30, Luke 12:7, Revelation 3:20