Journey The Gathering — Ministries


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To Everything, There is a Season

During this time of seeking God for answers, while I was on this trial of testing my faith, I have allowed the world to dictate and demand more of my time, energy, and soul. I started to seek more work, more answers from the world, resources of running a business through world-view and turning my back from God. Maybe, because I didn’t receive the answers my flesh wanted to hear, or maybe, my flesh was impatient and I wanted answers immediately. I wanted to find comfort in my own knowledge which can lead to spiritual death. Seeking advice from humans can lead to much confusion and despair.

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Tides ii : Here I Am, LORD

Broken promises, unkept commitments, disloyal relationships, faded friendships, unfaithful deeds, betrayed bonds, untrustworthy responses, distant hearts...

As the tides change, so does the very nature of our thoughts, decisions and life-spoken vows.  People and circumstances change like the tides that rise and fall.  Our words fail, and our best-kept promises shatter hearts.  

Throughout the Bible, God made uncountable covenants with generations of the faint-hearted and the faithful.  God can ultimately work His divine will through anyone, but when He calls, who dares to listen, and to believe, and to react to obey by walking in faith?  Who stands up and says, “Here I am, LORD,” like Abraham? And Jacob? And Samuel? And Isaiah? 

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TIDES i : Your Will, Not Mine, Lord

God desires His children to be decisive; unquestionably resolute; purposeful and determined. 

God spoke to me tonight:

“I just want to know your heart.”

This revelation woke my spirit up and gave me a new light into uncovering my unseen heart before my Heavenly Father.  The infinite fact that God already sees our hearts despite our own willing submission brings assurance about what we do not see and acknowledge.  He desires us to reveal our hearts to Him.

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